SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

How Can Tutors Use the School Holidays To Their Advantage?

03 May 2022

The school holidays are what students always look forward to as they get to rest and have fun. There are no classes, and they get...

Why is Good Grammar So Important?

02 May 2022

Grammar is the foundation of good English. It is the basic unit of all our sentences and such. It could be a headache for some...

3 Simple Ways You Can Make This Hari Raya Fun and Educational

30 April 2022

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner and here’s wishing our Muslim readers Eid Mubarak in advance! Festivities are always filled with so much...

Debunking 7 Misconceptions About Tutoring

25 April 2022

Do you have certain perceptions of tutoring that are stopping you from becoming a tutor? Or are you considering signing up as a tutor? You’ll...

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