SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Is Being a YouTuber a Sustainable Career for Your Child?

14 March 2022

Children nowadays love accessing the web, especially YouTube, with it being a public platform with content that can cater to all ages and interests. When...

6 Useful Hobbies that Students can Pick Up over their March Holidays

12 March 2022

The long-awaited March school holidays are here! Students can finally take a much-needed break week. This year, the holiday will be from the 12th to...

Are We Supporting Special Needs Students Enough? Interview with a Special Needs Student

08 March 2022

Nicolette, now 20, was diagnosed with Hearing Impairment (HI) when she was two years old. She went through her entire education dealing with the difficulties...

7 Ways to Boost Your Chances of Employment After Graduation

01 March 2022

While Singapore’s labour market experienced a shock in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has since seen a steady recovery with unemployment numbers...

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