SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Are You Overwhelming Your Students During Lessons?

15 August 2022

[iStock] A common mistake many of us new tutors might make is overwhelming our students during lessons. When we overwhelm our students - either by...

How Would Your Parenting Style Affect Your Child’s Education?

13 August 2022

There are so many different types of parenting styles and as a parent, you might feel really conflicted about how you can give your child...

4 Things to Do When You’re Struggling in University

10 August 2022

Picture: Thought Catalogue Transitioning from Junior College (JC) to university can be extremely stressful for many students. Not only is this because of the change...

How to Support Your Child During the Exam Period

09 August 2022

[iStock] During the exam period, it's inevitable for students to feel the heat and it's the same for us parents. We want our children to...

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