SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

8 Great Ways to Empower Children

04 October 2022

Ask any parent what they want for their children and the answer will be unanimous: for them to be healthy and happy. As parents, we...

Should Students Drink Energy Drinks Before Exams?

03 October 2022

[The Washington Post] What are energy drinks? Energy drinks are beverages that contain large amounts of caffeine, added sugars and legal stimulants like guarana and...

How Does Nutrition Affect Your Exam Performance?

15 September 2022

[Pexels] Have you ever heard of this saying: “eating junk food spoils your brain” or any statement with the same connotation? This comes with the...

Chan Chun Sing: Why Singapore Students Must Cultivate Curiosity for Lifelong Learning

13 September 2022

Minister for Education, Mr Chan Chun Sing, informed an audience of 550 pre-university students that it is essential for every generation to be a pioneering...

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