SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Has AI Gone Too Far? The Controversies of Homework “Helpers”

19 April 2024

Remember the days where we laughed at the idea of robots taking over the world? Be surprised, the old Terminator movies are turning into reality!...

Dangers of Delayed Stress: Are You Experiencing The Let-Down Effect?

11 April 2024

Phew! You’ve just finished your exams. You try to relax your mind in the library, assured that after the period of stress, you will be...

Balancing Safety and Privacy: School Security in the Digital Age

03 April 2024

Balancing the need for safety and privacy in educational settings has always been challenging. However,  while the advent of advanced technologies has undoubtedly helped make...

Stereotypes in School: What ”Classroom Archetype” Do You Belong to?

03 April 2024

Here’s a fun article for you students out there! Or even adults looking to reminisce about your school days?  Ever wondered why stereotypes always seem...

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