SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

How to Prepare and Revise for the Upcoming PSLE Exams

30 September 2021

With a few days remaining before the Primary School Leaving Exams (PSLE) starts, knowing how to prepare and revise for PSLE is crucial. It’s also...

7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Children’s Day in Singapore

30 September 2021

Celebrated every first Friday of October, Children's Day is one of the most anticipated days for children in Singapore. After all, it’s when everyone can...

How Do Homework Help Students?

23 September 2021

One of the reasons why the educational system in Singapore is the best in the world is that the students spend an average of 9.4...

How to Support and Nurture Your Child’s Passion Pursuit

22 September 2021

As working adults, or should I say parents, you know first hand the experience of working life. For those working in jobs you’re not passionate...

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