SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

Parenting Hacks: 5 Fun and Effective Ways to Reward Your Child

02 January 2024

[Pexels] As parents, we all want our children to know that their hard work and accomplishments are valued and appreciated. We want them to play...

Pets 101: How to Teach Your Children to Take Care of Pets

17 December 2023

Hey parents! Thinking about adopting a pet for your children? Or perhaps they already own a pet but they don’t know how to care for...

Are Video Games Becoming Too Violent For Children?

13 December 2023

Gunshots. Loud blaring sounds of explosions and screaming. Expletives filling the living room. As a parent, you get drawn into the commotion. Taking a slight...

Dogs as Lifetime Friends: Should My Child Adopt a Dog in Singapore?

01 December 2023

Dogs are cute. Dogs are cuddly, and they make great company. In simpler words, what else is there when you’re looking for a good domestic...

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