SmileTutor Blog

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9 Great Ideas to Promote Your School Event

21 June 2022

Now that Covid-19 measures have loosened up in Singapore, large school events are coming back! To make your school event successful, you need many visitors....

6 Things You Should Not Do During Your Tuition Session

20 June 2022

[iStock] As a new tutor, your tutorship journey may be full of uncertainties and may seem somewhat intimidating. You need to make sure that you...

5 Children’s Shows that Might be Doing More Harm than Good For Your Child

14 June 2022

[Shutterstock] As parents, we often rely on our phones and cartoons to entertain our children while we are busy or need a break. However, some...

How to Get Through an Online Group Project Successfully

30 May 2022

Students have already considered group projects to be one of the most difficult parts of their curriculum. Now that the pandemic is still ongoing, it...

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