Blog Students Advice For Students 9 Great Ideas to Promote Your School Event

9 Great Ideas to Promote Your School Event

Now that Covid-19 measures have loosened up in Singapore, large school events are coming back! To make your school event successful, you need many visitors. After all, you can have the best facilities for the event, but it’s useless if there’s no one to watch it or appreciate it.

So how do you publicise your school event successfully to get the highest number of participants possible?

Design striking visuals and spread them around

People are attracted to captivating visuals that are bright and attention-seeking. So print out colourful pamphlets or advertisements that you can place all around your school campus.

Here are some visuals you can make:

Flyers, certificates or small posters

Flyers, certificates and small posters are cheap to print and easy to design. You can just use templates from free online tools like a free online certificate maker. There are also many suitable places around school to put them thanks to their small size.

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This also means that you can place them in libraries or community centres thanks to their portability and easy setup (just pasting it with blue tack). But make sure to contact relevant parties and seek permission in advance.

Large posters

If you have more budget for promotion, you can create large posters. They are usually placed at major locations, which increases the chances of your event notice being seen.

Note that large posters require an easel, so ensure you have one before designing the piece. You could either provide your own or ask your school’s management.

Table tents

Table tents are self-standing cards which allow easy placement. You can place them on canteen tables, windowsills and teachers’ desks! Do note that you need permission from teachers and staff if you decide to use this medium to promote.

Table tents are quite small, so there’s not much information that you can put on them, so use a QR code! This lets you conserve space while still providing sufficient information to interested parties.

Use the Institution’s Capabilities

When promoting your school event, take advantage of school resources. Not only are they free and accessible, but they also allow you to outreach to a large audience. This lets you raise awareness of your school event, leading to more participants.

Community announcements

Schools often have connections to media outlets or their own media management, like a media club. If you’re in poly, your school might have a radio and social media channel.

This can attract many people, especially when these outlets promote your event through local media.

Digital signs

Many schools are equipped with digital signs where you can display your digital advertisement. Contact your school’s management and ask if they could show your advertising on these signs.

If they agree, send them a digital copy, then let them handle the display. Once in a while, check up on the signs to ensure that your advertisement is shown.

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Turn to Social Media

Social media is another fantastic platform to provide information and share updates about your school event. If the school has a verified account, ask the department to run an ad campaign about your event.

You can also create an account for the event or run an ad campaign on your event page if your budget allows. Paid advertising options on networks like Instagram are usually affordable and can popularise your event.

If you know local influencers or celebs that students follow, why not give it a try and seek their help? Thought leaders are often open-minded and will gladly help you if the event is meaningful.

Use e-newsletters

Using e-newsletters to inform people about your school event can result in an abundance of attendees. The academic institution has a list of students’ school email addresses to which you can send an invitation. of course, you must ask the school management if that’s possible first.


There are a variety of ways to promote your school event. Notably, the success of your promotion campaign depends on your creativity and the event theme.

Still, you need to be resourceful – regarding the promotion mediums to ensure that your event is successful, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.