SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

Best Online Tutoring Apps for Students

24 January 2023

When your child starts falling behind in school, or an important test is coming up, getting them a tutor always comes up as a first...

Help Your Child Master Math With These Tips

23 January 2023

Math is crucial for all school-attending children in Singapore because it's one of the subjects tested in the curriculum. It can be frustrating for both...

How to Manage Disappointment After Receiving O Level Results

12 January 2023

[Pexels, Pixabay] From today till 16th January, the O Level results are being released! The anticipation leading up to the moment when you collect your...

Career Coaching in Singapore

07 January 2023

In Singapore, with thousands of students graduating from the universities each year, there is equally heightened competition in different career fields. Career Coaching is one...

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