How to Teach Creative Writing to Primary School Students

27 January 2022

Children in Singapore begin learning to write compositions in Primary One and hence, writing is very new to most primary school students. It might be...

4 Simple Ways Tutors Can Motivate Young Readers

20 January 2022

Reading books can be boring for young children who have a hard time staying still and face difficulties in understanding the benefits of reading. Reading...

How to Manage Large Classes as a Group Tutor

19 December 2021

Dealing with so many students at once can be really difficult. Especially when they are of a young age, they have a higher tendency to...

6 Work Ethics a Tutor Must Know

17 November 2021

There are countless articles that provide tips on how tutors can better help their students academically. However, tutoring is not only about academics; many work...

Benefits of Renting Office Space for Giving Tuition

15 July 2021

While the pandemic is ongoing, many people have been working from home by default. When an outbreak happens, home-based learning for schools was also made...

Best Way of Tutoring Safely During P2HA

30 June 2021

It’s no secret that coronavirus outbreak significantly affected how we offer tuition services. To date, Singapore has recorded 62,470 Coronavirus cases, and the effects are...