SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

How to Handle Stressful Parents as a Student

23 February 2024

[Pexels] As a student, life can be overwhelming when you have to deal with exams, your social life, and your parents’ expectations.  It’s important to...

The Art of Balancing Academics and Social Life: How to Keep Up as a Student

06 January 2024

Richard is the class’ most popular kid. He has many friends, he’s good at weaving into conversations, able to meet up with everyone, yet still...

Study Hard, Now Play Hard! Catch Up on Digital Entertainment Over Your Holidays!

28 December 2023

It’s the December holidays.  After putting in the hard work in your studies, it's time to relax and unwind. Take your feet off the gas,...

12 Best Career Opportunities for Biology Students in Singapore

22 December 2023

[Freepik: pressfoto] Are you wondering whether focusing on biology is the right choice for your career path? Opportunities for biology graduates have expanded significantly over...

Different Part-Time Jobs For Students

05 December 2023

Being a student is tough: you’re studying all the time, and sometimes you just want to help lighten your parents’ financial burden or have a...

How Much Sleep Should I Get a Day as a Student?

16 November 2023

Hey, sleepyhead! Yes, we’re talking to you! You’re caught dozing off in class again, aren't you? That zombified look on your face is all we...