This section contains articles on personal development, self-improvement and motivation as well as how one can make the most of schooling and having a world-class education in Singapore. Articles give advice on how to tackle the school curriculum, how to handle the heavy homework workload as well as provide sample essays for students looking to improve their language.
Stereotypes in School: What ”Classroom Archetype” Do You Belong to?
03 April 2024
Here’s a fun article for you students out there! Or even adults looking to reminisce about your school days? Ever wondered why stereotypes always seem...
Stress Relievers — Exercise For A Healthy Mind
18 March 2024
[Unsplash] Stress is an inescapable part of life. It is your mind’s natural response that reacts to challenges that you face, and can often be...
How is Literature Relevant to Our Future?
15 February 2024
[iStock] Romeo and Juliet, The Joy Luck Club, Lord of the Flies. These are some of the literature classics taught in school for the GCE...
5 Benefits of Outdoor Learning
30 January 2024
(Pexels - Chris J Mitchell) In education, both classroom and outdoor learning are significantly important, as they both bring their own benefits. For classroom learning,...
5 Hobbies in Singapore That Aren’t Cafe Hopping or Gymming
23 January 2024
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. But guys, going to the gym to work out, bouldering, and clubbing aren’t very unique...
Importance of Sex Education in Schools
14 January 2024
When we think about school, we often think about academic subjects and grades. But school is also supposed to be a place where students are...

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