SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 4 Reasons Why You Should Study A Level Economics

4 Reasons Why You Should Study A Level Economics

(Unsplash – m.)

Unsure of which subjects to study for your A-levels? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone!

Many students today, like you, are torn between classes that will place them on a definite career route and those that are more flexible and allow them to keep their options open.

You may feel trapped between the subjects you excel at, those that captivate you, and those that your parents or teachers approve of. 

(Unsplash – Alexander Grey)

Economics is one of the many options available to incoming junior college students who are still in the process of choosing their A-level subjects!

It is the study of how individuals and social organisations use and manage the world’s diverse resources. It is further subdivided into macroeconomics, which is concerned with the overall economic activities of a society, and microeconomics, which is concerned with individual economic actions.

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Both of these economic categories examine current market conditions and historical trends to explain current market trends and predict future market behaviour. 

Ultimately, economics is one of the best choices of subjects for all students no matter their interests or desired career paths. Of course, you may encounter some struggles while studying Economics, like other subjects. In that case, you can consider seeking A-level economics tuition.

Now that we know a bit more about the subject, here are the key reasons why studying economics could be a good academic decision for you:

It Will Help You Develop Useful Skills

(Pexels – Anna Tarazevich)

As mentioned above, Economics is a flexible discipline that will help you develop a wide range of essential cognitive and interpersonal skills.

In turn, having these skills will set you up for a more fruitful academic career in university and after, should you choose to pursue further education.

Furthermore, these skills are also likely to become useful when you enter the workforce, no matter your chosen industry or role.

Some of them include the following:

Numerical Skills

(Pexels – Black ice)

Numeracy is a fundamental part of any Economics course, as most of the coursework will require you to work with figures, analyse statistics, and determine market trends.

Studying Economics is thus a valuable opportunity to practice your numeracy skills and also build your confidence when dealing with numbers.

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Many of the numerical skills that see a lot of use in economics also come in handy in other professions.

Some examples of these skills include algebraic calculations, visually representing numerical data, and recognising numerical patterns and trends.

Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

(Unsplash – Markus Winkler)

Both the mathematical and the social aspects of economics train students in high-level analytical thinking.

Over the course of your economics education, you’ll learn how to examine extensive data sets to identify vital pieces of information.

You’ll also learn how to assess that information, use it to draw reasonable conclusions, and make informed decisions based on your findings. 


(Unsplash – Possessed Photography)

Economics is a social science, which means it’s fundamentally concerned with human society and behaviours.

Thus, you will frequently be required to not only analyse information but also to communicate your conclusions and observations in a concise, articulate, and accessible manner.

Activities like debates, presentations, and conferences will help you hone both your verbal and written communication skills, which can serve you well in many aspects of life.

Studying economics may also lead you to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds and study the economic issues faced by different nations, which can also teach you empathy and inclusiveness.

It Can Make You More Financially Responsible

(Unsplash – Andre Taissin)

Economics isn’t just concerned about the behaviour of the national economy—it also probes deeper into the smaller economic decisions that individuals make as they go about their daily lives.

Studying A-level economics can net you useful insight into the value of money, your own spending habits, and your long-term financial goals.

And once you’ve been able to decode your current behaviours and beliefs about money, you’ll be able to make more prudent financial decisions in the future

It Will Prepare You for Further Studies

(Unsplash – Andrew Neel)

If you’re interested in pursuing an undergraduate or even a graduate degree in economics, business, or finance, participating in an A-level economics program could be valuable preparation for the rest of your academic career.

While it’s typically not required for admission to a degree program, A-level economics can certainly equip you with a strong foundational understanding of the subject matter.

This familiarity with basic economic concepts will enable you to grasp more complex knowledge and skills more easily. 

You’ll Enjoy Better Job Prospects

(Unsplash – Scott Graham)

An economics background will make you highly employable in a wide range of industries, not just those that directly have to do with business or finance.

Current research shows that many of the transferable skills you learn from studying the subject, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, are highly attractive to employers and will only become even more so over time.

The more you hone these skills over your academic life, the better-equipped you’ll be to land the job you want.


(Unsplash – Marga Santoso)

All in all, taking up A-level Economics will help you gain useful skills and better prepare you for your future.

Extensive knowledge of Economics is ultimately useful for work in all sectors and also for navigating many aspects of adult life. If you weren’t interested in Economics before, you may be after choosing it as a subject!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.