SmileTutor Blog General Others The Importance of Teaching Cultural Diversity In Schools

The Importance of Teaching Cultural Diversity In Schools

(Pexels – fauxels)

Schools play a crucial role in developing students and educating them about many topics and skills.

Although common subjects taught in schools such as Mathematics and Science are equally important, cultural diversity education should not be neglected in schools.

This is especially true since, as generations go by, our world has become increasingly diverse and accepting. Therefore, it is important that all students understand the different aspects of cultural diversity as well as embrace them as a whole.

This article dives deeper into the different types of cultural diversity as well as the significance of its education in schools.

Types of Cultural Diversity

Students will have to understand all the different types of cultural diversity in order to develop into socially minded people. The most common types include, but are not limited to:

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(Pexels – Alexander Suhorucov)

Race divides people into groups, usually based on the physical characteristics of an individual, such as their skin colour. Examples include Asians and Americans.

This can impact students and change their views of themselves and other people when interacting with them.


(Pexels – Rodolfo Clix)

Religion divides people into groups, usually based on their beliefs in different kinds of gods or spiritual activities that they are connected with, if they have any. Examples include Christianity and Hinduism.

This can cause students to react differently to various materials based on their religion, whether negatively or positively.


(Pexels – RDNE Stock project)

Although ethnicity is identified similarly to race, it divides people mostly based on cultural expression and identification. Race is biological, but ethnicity is more of something people learn from either their culture or family.


(Unsplash – Etienne Girardet)

Although English is the main language used in Singapore schools, it may not be the first language for every student. They may speak other languages and dialects at home instead, such as Japanese and Cantonese.

Socio-economic Status

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(Pexels – Karolina Grabowska)

Socio-economic status divides people into groups, usually based on their social standing, which is often measured as a combination of factors such as their income, education, and occupation.

The three categories in which people are classified in Singapore are low, medium, and high. Students with low socio-economic status may not even have access to study materials, which can cause them a lot of stress and struggle.

WHY Is It Important?

Increases Inclusion And Acceptance

(Pexels – Dids)

Exposing students to different cultures and perspectives enables them to understand more about people from their respective communities and create an accepting and inclusive learning community.

Students who come from various backgrounds will also feel more respected and will face fewer stereotypes and prejudices. Teaching cultural diversity helps create an inclusive learning environment where students from various backgrounds feel valued and respected.

By exposing students to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, schools promote acceptance and reduce stereotypes and prejudices.

Students learn to appreciate the uniqueness of each individual and develop empathy for those who may have different backgrounds or experiences.

Develops Critical Thinking Skills

(Pexels – Pixabay)

Learning and understanding the different aspects of cultural diversity encourages students to think critically and analyze different perspectives.

This expands their knowledge and their views on the world as they learn to engage in discussions about different social issues.

Therefore, by learning more about cultural diversity, they learn how to challenge themselves and come up with different solutions with an open mind.

Enables More Students To Be Global-minded

(Pexels – Porapak Apichodilok)

Educating students on cultural diversity enables them to recognise and understand people from all around the world, as well as global issues like climate change and poverty.

They will be more encouraged and prepared to step in and take action to improve society as a whole at a younger age.

Improves Communication Skills

(Unsplash – Volodymyr Hryshchenko)

Students will be provided with many opportunities to interact and communicate with peers from different backgrounds.

They will learn how to put aside cultural differences and develop respect for different cultures. Students will also learn to listen actively and may even learn a thing or two from others, such as their language and practices.

Prepares Students For The Workplace

(Unsplash – kate.sade)

When schools educate students about cultural diversity, they also prepare them for the future workforce.

Not only will they be able to adapt to different situations, but they will also learn to form several good relationships with others.

Companies tend to look for and value people like them, as they can work well and effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and make many positive contributions to the company.


(Pexels – Danang Wicaksono)

Including cultural diversity in school education helps shape students into prepared and open-minded individuals in a multicultural world.

In order to achieve an inclusive and harmonious society, everyone from all walks of life will need to embrace and understand the value of cultural diversity.

Therefore, by teaching it in schools, students will have a head start in learning, and they will also learn faster since they will learn from a young age.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.