SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

7 Alarming Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied

03 February 2024

It’s time to get serious again, because we’re here to talk about another prevalent topic with Singaporean teens. That’s right, bullying. Bullying in school is...

5 Benefits of Outdoor Learning

30 January 2024

(Pexels - Chris J Mitchell) In education, both classroom and outdoor learning are significantly important, as they both bring their own benefits. For classroom learning,...

Tutoring 101: How Can You Teach Productively as a Tutor

26 January 2024

As competitive as Singaporeans are, the term “tuition” is no longer distant from its relevance to local education. This is why being a tutor has...

Imposter Syndrome: Is Your Child Suffering Silently?

18 January 2024

As you’re walking home with your child, they look up and say to you: “Mummy, I’m sorry I did poorly again.” While you were expecting...

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