SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Effects of Divorce on Children’s Education

09 July 2021

Divorce is a tough time for the whole family. It changes the daily routine, family relationships, and crucial events in the life of each family...

Why You Should Not Encourage Cramming in Your Kids

08 July 2021

You may have tried cramming as you prepared for an exam during your student years. In some cases, it has given you amazing results. However,...

Essential Time Management Tips for Students – Make the Best of Everyday!

14 June 2021

We all have only 24 hours in a day, but how is it that some students can score excellent grades and have a social life...

6 Mental Health Benefits That Students Can Get from Exercising

03 June 2021

The physical health benefits of exercise are indisputable. However, do you know that daily physical activity offers several positive effects on mental health as well?...

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