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Must read articles for International Baccalaureate

Chemistry Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Operators

19 June 2024

In Singapore's academic journey, chemistry is pivotal from secondary to university levels. It's compulsory for O & A Levels, and crucial for various career paths...

Physics Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Options

13 June 2024

Are you looking to turn your physics struggles into success stories?  Singapore's bustling tuition scene has got you covered! With a sea of options out...

Why are Singapore’s IB Schools So Popular for International Students?

05 January 2023

[Unsplash, Van Tay Media] Singapore as a country is one of the top education choices for people worldwide. It is home to one of the...

Debunking 5 Misconceptions About SOTA

24 November 2022

[Canninghill Piers] What is the School of the Arts (SOTA)? It is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised school for arts. It offers development pathways for...

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