SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

Enhancing Learning with Story Maps: A Valuable Classroom Tool

08 November 2023

[Pexels] Story maps, a versatile educational resource, have the power to transform the learning experience in the classroom. These visual tools combine storytelling with mapping...

7 Exciting Hobbies Your Child Can Pick Up Over the December Holidays!

07 November 2023

Are you looking for ways to keep your child engaged and entertained during the December holidays? Look no further! In this article, we will explore...

Maximizing Your Time: 10 Productive Things to Do During School Breaks

19 October 2023

(Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio) It’s finally the holiday season! I’m sure students like you must be thinking about what you should do with this much...

Staying Ahead of the Curve: The Importance of Enrolling Your Child in Enrichment Programmes

16 October 2023

Image courtesy RDNE Stock project In today's competitive world, academic excellence alone is no longer enough to ensure a bright future for your child. Parents,...

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