SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

How a Play Based Approach Can Advance Your Child’s Gross Motor Skills

22 February 2022

Children are naturally active and they love to move. A child can hone his/her gross motor skills by participating in physical activities. When children participate...

Should Time Management be Taught in Schools?

21 February 2022

Academic excellence is heavily emphasised in Singapore, but are our students lacking in many other important skills?  The Ministry of Education (MOE) has been placing...

6 Things Students Must Know Before they Enter the Workforce

19 February 2022

Feeling nervous or uncertain about entering the workforce? There is a huge jump in the transition from being a student to a working adult.  The...

How to Cope when You Feel like You’re Lagging Behind

15 February 2022

We all have those times when we are not keeping up. Singapore’s education system is extremely fast-paced and once you are not focused during a...

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