SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

Holiday Camp in Singapore — Best Way to Keep Your Child Busy on Holidays

10 November 2022

[Image by Newtonshow Camp] With the holidays coming up, many parents will be looking out for ways to keep their children occupied. Fortunately, there are...

6 Tips for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

01 November 2022

[iStock] What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability to recognise, understand and manage your own emotions. It is also...

5 Extracurricular Activities for Your Child to Take Up

24 October 2022

[The Catalyst] Why should you let your child take part in extracurricular activities outside of school? It gives your child a chance to pursue and...

Are Music Lessons Worth It For Your Child?

08 October 2022

[Pexels] In Singapore, many parents send their children to music lessons to master an instrument like the piano or the violin. This gives their children...

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