SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

Changing Schools? Here’s How To Make The Transition Easier For Your Child

31 July 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) Like many other transitions, moving to a completely new school can be daunting for your child.  This is especially true if your...

From Fear to Confidence: Effective Techniques to Boost Your Public Speaking Skills

29 July 2023

(Unsplash - Kane Reinholdtsen) Everyone has their own fears and phobias, and for many people, public speaking is one of them.  The act of having...

5 Ways To Instill a Growth Mindset In Your Students

25 July 2023

(Unsplash - Ju Desi) All educators want the best for their students and to see them succeed in their endeavours, and one of the most...

5 Activities That Can Help Boost Your Creativity

22 July 2023

(Pixels - Pixabay) Creativity is an essential trait that can help us in so many areas of our lives.  While some people are naturally more...

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