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Ignite Your Learning Journey – Getting Started With Tuition

In this day and age where the average attention span of a person has reduced drastically, youths of today may now find syllabus involving sciences and calculus “monotonous and disengaging”.

Everyone approaches learning differently, and it can be difficult for teachers to provide the best possible quality of guidance for a whole class. 

Today we talk about a prevalent solution to this issue, tuition — a more holistic approach to learning in a competitive environment.

When Do I Need Tutoring?

Ever felt like the black sheep of the class, unable to keep up with classmates? This can be seen as an early sign that one is in need of personal guidance.

A student can feel this way when a new subject is introduced, oftentimes becoming the reason youths lose their enthusiasm to continue in earnest. When classes become overwhelming, independent study becomes even more of a lost cause; misinterpreting information or overlooking fundamental principles would hinder the learning process further.

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Once a cause and need is identified, the avenue of receiving tuition then becomes a good way of picking back up the pace.

What Can Tutoring Do for Me?

Tuition is often understood to come with many benefits for an ailing student.

1) Personal Attention: Tutors provide focused attention to students, assisting with areas of difficulty and strengthening understanding.

2) Reinforced Understanding: Tutors often present concepts in different ways than classroom teachers, breaking down complex ideas into more digestible, comprehensible pieces.

3) Enhanced Performance: With consistent tutoring sessions, students frequently notice a significant improvement in their academic performance and grades.

4) Increased Confidence: As students gain a better grasp of subjects, their confidence increases, making them more comfortable, proactive and even independent in their learning.

A good tutor should leave their student well-informed, and approach their learning with a more targeted strategy. In this way, they can adapt better to school lessons and apply what they are taught.

A Different Approach to Guidance


For a younger demographic, the element of fun can also be introduced into the learning journey. 

A summer camp is one such example that leverages the ideal combination of education and holiday programmes, both of which play crucial roles in a child’s growth and development. 

Take NewtonShow’s camp for example— Playing Quidditch like Harry Potter, making “potions” or even creating volcano eruption experiments; By blending fun and learning, these camps offer a unique and rewarding experience for children during their school breaks.

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Continuing the Learning Journey


Remember that as a student, you should not be dissuaded by an inability to keep up with others. Seek a tutor as a way to bridge the learning curve, and regain your confidence

But tutoring is never just an alternative to schooling, but a supplement to it that allows for transformative and proactive learning. With the right support from a tutor, there is no ceiling to what one can achieve.

To read more about this topic, check out a few of our related articles below.


Teaching Methods for Students with Different Learning Styles

Tutors Do More Than They Realize

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.