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How eLearning can Impact the Traditional Way of Teaching

eLearning has been gaining attention for the past 5 years, but what really pushed it to its popularity is COVID-19’s disruption. Facilities from different sectors have been closed down for the time being. And since the world keeps spinning — life doesn’t stop for anyone, regardless of the situation, people have to make the most out of our technology today.

The same is true for the educational sector. Since education has always been a priority to many parents, schools have found different ways to provide the best education in line with health protocols. Because of eLearning, there’s an increase in collaboration among schools. It gives us a different perspective on how eLearning can transform traditional learning.

What is Traditional Learning?

Traditional learning has always been how students are taught. Children go to school to attend a class. If a student fails to go to school, that student may miss out on the teacher’s lecture or even a quiz or two.

Everyone in the class will learn the same thing at a given pace. In some instances, some students may lag behind because of this method.

What is eLearning?


eLearning comes from the term “electronic learning,” which is often associated with learning instruction that can be accessed using a computer, a phone, or any device to access the internet.

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What are the advantages of eLearning?

With eLearning, you can access lessons anywhere and study at your own pace. While it has been used in schools because of the pandemic, there’s plenty of reasons to suggest this method will stick afterwards.

Some colleges and universities are offering online courses and programs. With the global approach in the curriculum, you can even try applying to study for online schools from overseas without leaving, but this would depend on each partner university’s requirements.

 How Does eLearning Change Traditional Learning?

eLearning has made education more flexible and easier to access. Now that the students have been immersed in this approach, this way of learning is a good alternative or, in some cases, a good addition to learning even after the pandemic.

Here are a few ways eLearning restructures traditional learning.

It allows for customized education for each student.

While schools primarily use Zoom and Google Hangouts, using other platforms can help in utilizing online teaching. A good example is the Learning Management System, also known as LMS. It is a platform where you will be able to track your educational programs and develop and administer courses.

It’s a great platform because students will be able to follow the curriculums both offline and online. You get to create different types of content — from videos to documents while managing and tracking everything.

It lets teachers closely identify each student’s weaknesses and assign exercises and homework that cater to each student so they can improve. Having customized learning that caters to individual students can help schools achieve higher performance.

It makes learning more immersive and interactive.

With the virtual space, technology can be utilized more effectively. It’s especially true when schools invest in good platforms. While many argue that face-to-face learning is still the best way to learn, using technology to replicate that can be beneficial to students.

It lets students learn in a more holistic approach if immersive learning is used well. Students will be able to engage in an artificial environment that can create simulations. This can capture their attention and help them be more interested in their lessons. In traditional learning, this is often done through field trips.

A good example of immersive learning is through pilot training school flight simulators or virtual dissection programs for science. Some different programs and platforms offer these interactive lessons. Some museums, for example, have digitized their content and made a step further by adding virtual museums so students can explore without risking infection.

It lets students be more flexible with their classes.

With traditional learning, your only companions when you review are your book and notes and even some exercises you’ve done in class. With eLearning, you can have access to the learning material so you can go over them a couple more times and at your own pace.

This helps students who are a bit behind in their class keep up with the rest. It also lets them study the lectures better.

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It encourages collaboration among students and teachers.

Some schools become passive with their platform, but that’s usually because they haven’t fully exploited the potential of different digital tools.

Speaking of digital tools, teachers and students are able to communicate more effectively using programs like virtual whiteboards. It can let teachers record their work and even share their screens with everyone in the class. It also helps both teachers and students to share their input in one space. It allows both to become more engaged in collaborations during lessons.

Different schools also have different methods of engaging students. Some teachers even used programs like Discord to keep the communication between students lively. And since social interactions are important in the learning process, having these alternatives can help students with their new learning environment.



The traditional method of learning has been following the same structure for centuries. As the world becomes more globalized, having a global outlook is very important for students. Using a holistic approach in learning lets students see the world through different perspectives, making them understand different cultures and become more involved in their community.

Schools have slowly adapted to eLearning, and as more institutions invest in this platform. The technology is being utilized more efficiently, making learning more interactive and collaborative. Although in some schools face-to-face is still preferred in some subjects, the mix of using face-to-face classes and online learning will be preferred.

eLearning has allowed students to have customized learning, with lessons catered to their needs while addressing the most efficient way they can learn. It also lets them study at their own pace. The digital platform enables each student to collaborate with others during lectures.

With the experience, everyone has gained a new perspective on delivering education. eLearning’s benefits will surely transform how we learn even after the pandemic.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.