How to Use the Internet to Become an Elite Student

14 October 2017

Making straight A’s and doing well for your PSLE, O-level, or A-levels isn’t enough anymore. These things are still essential, yes, but they’re no longer...

8 Quick Tips to Learn Chinese Quickly

17 March 2017

It is a common assumption that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn. In a way, this belief is correct. There are no...

Learn Better During Tuition with These 5 Easy-to-Implement Tips

09 September 2016

One of the most basic things that we need to understand about our kids is that, each and every child has a different learning capacity...

How to Effectively Utilize Your English Home Tutor to Learn English

18 May 2016

English is the most widely used and important language in the world. Students who struggle in English will undoubtedly face many struggle and disadvantages in...

4 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Creativity & Produce Great Ideas

20 November 2015

As students you are often required to use their creativity for projects, assignments and essays which make up a vital portion of your overall grades....

Super-Easy Food Hacks That Will Improve Your Concentration, Memory, & Mood

06 November 2015

Did you know that making a few simple, small changes in your diet can have huge effects on your clarity of mind, mood, concentration and...