SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Teaching Methods for Students with Different Learning Styles

21 August 2023

As a parent, you know how important education is for your child's future. Academic learning starts early for most children in kindergarten. Have you ever...

Smart Saving Strategies: How to Save Money While Being a Student

17 August 2023

(Pexels - maitree rimthong) Being a student can bring about many financial challenges, such as piling up of expenses from sources like lesson materials. However,...

The Power of Words: Exploring the Benefits of Studying Literature 

03 August 2023

(Pexels - Caio) Are you at the stage in Secondary school where you are required to choose what humanities to take for upper Secondary? Or...

Finding Your Voice: Dealing with Unsupportive Parents and Pursuing Your Aspirations

22 June 2023

(Pexels - Alena Darmel) In life, you can often encounter challenges that try to stop you from pursuing your aspirations. However, nothing can be as...

Which Science Reigns Supreme: A Look at Physics, Biology, and Chemistry

15 June 2023

(Unsplash - Unseen Studio) It’s nearing the end of Secondary 2 and you will have to choose which science subject to further study for the...

How to Choose the Right Master’s Degree

15 June 2023

Source: Hai Nguyen Choosing the right master's degree can be a daunting task, as it can shape your future career trajectory and personal development. Let's...