SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Exploring Your Food Habits: How Health-Conscious Are You Really?

30 June 2024

It’s the new year. That calls for new resolutions in 2024, and that includes staying healthy! No more junk food, and no more late night...

The Value of Money For Teenagers: What Would You Do With $100?

14 June 2024

What would you do with $100? That’s a simple question. Yet, when you think about how and where you’re putting in the dollars, the meaning...

Ultimate PSLE English Composition Guide: Free Samples & Common Topics (Step-by-step)

12 June 2024

[Freepik: Freepik] Primary school English exams in Singapore are more than just a test of language proficiency. These tests challenge students to communicate effectively and...

The Real Way to Become Productive: How to Stop Procrastinating?

13 May 2024

It’s Friday night. You’ve just come back from school, showered and ready to tackle the homework assigned for the week. So you take out your...

Dangers of Delayed Stress: Are You Experiencing The Let-Down Effect?

11 April 2024

Phew! You’ve just finished your exams. You try to relax your mind in the library, assured that after the period of stress, you will be...

Artificial Intelligence for Students – How to Use AI for Effective Exam Preparation

02 April 2024

[Freepik: freepik] What is the worst thing about exams?  The perceived difficulty of a test? Time management skills? Or, trying to remember everything you learned?...