How to Minimise the Negative Effects of Screen Time on Your Child

14 August 2023

Image courtesy Ryutaro Tsukata-Pexels As technology becomes increasingly ingrained in our daily lives, children spend more time in front of screens. While screens can offer...

5 Engaging Ways to Spark a Love for Learning in Your Child

02 August 2023

(Pexels - Yan Krukau) Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children's academic journey and overall attitude towards education. As the first teachers in...

Changing Schools? Here’s How To Make The Transition Easier For Your Child

31 July 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) Like many other transitions, moving to a completely new school can be daunting for your child.  This is especially true if your...

Are Singaporean Parents Reading Enough To Inspire Their Children’s Reading Habits?

29 May 2023

Reading is an essential skill that is important for children's development. It helps with language acquisition, cognitive development, and even emotional intelligence. However, getting children...

3 Advices to Give Your Child to Prepare Them For the Work Industry

03 April 2023

(Pexels -Annushka Ahuja) As members of Generation Z begin to enter the workforce, the sudden transition from the safety of learning in school to stepping...

7 Reasons to Enroll Your Child in Preschool

20 March 2023

Sending your child to preschool for the first time can be nerve-racking for both parents and the child. But it is also a significant milestone....