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Best Online Tutoring Apps for Students

When your child starts falling behind in school, or an important test is coming up, getting them a tutor always comes up as a first thought. But have you considered using online tutoring apps?

Online tutoring apps are a convenient, affordable way for students to receive help in subjects where they need help understanding some concepts.

In response to the increasing demand for online tuition, several Edtech companies have released apps that allow students to get lessons right on their smartphones or tablets.

If you are you looking for the best online tutoring apps? Well, look no further. We have listed some of them below:

1. SplashLearn

SplashLearn stands out with its live classes, which create an interactive and lively learning atmosphere for children. These classes are perfectly suited for children aged 4 to 11, making it an ideal platform for early learners to build a strong foundation in essential academic skills. These classes are conducted by some of the finest online tutors available, who are experienced and certified teachers specializing in Math and Reading. 

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SplashLearn’s live classes are designed with convenience in mind, offering easy scheduling across multiple time slots to fit any family’s routine. The highly interactive classes allow students to engage actively with the content and their tutor from their homes, using devices like laptops, desktops, and tablets. To keep parents in the loop, notifications about upcoming classes and recordings of past sessions are provided, making it easy to track progress and review material.


SplashLearn offers exceptional value with its annual plan starting at just $7.49 monthly. This subscription gives your child access to the platform’s engaging live classes and unlocks a comprehensive library of over 10,000 interactive games and worksheets. These resources span math, reading, and other crucial early learning skills, providing a well-rounded educational experience.

2. iMath

iMath has an online learning community that primarily focuses on mathematics. People who use this platform are mostly tutors who answer questions once students upload them online. The app offers a community wall that gives learners a section to ask questions by sending a photo or writing and putting it on the wall.

The people on the platform, who consist of math experts, parents, or tutors, give solutions to the math questions once it’s posted on the wall. iMath’s community wall is free and open to anyone needing solutions to different math questions.

iMath aims to provide a productive learning environment where students and people who enjoy math can collaborate, share ideas, and solve math problems. The app makes everything easy for learners by updating them about the status of questions they’ve posted on the platform.

3. Khan Academy

Spanning over ten years since its inception, Khan Academy aims to provide all students with an easy learning experience with its free online courses. Khan Academy offers a range of lessons suitable for both preschoolers and learners in the upper classes. 

The online platform has an app that provides a broad spectrum of subjects such as arts, science, computing, and math.

Additionally, all subjects on the app are categorized according to topics giving students the freedom to start with ones they feel comfortable studying. Short videos, and tutorial notes always accompany lessons on the app. 

Videos in Khan Academy are presented in electronic dashboards, similar to teachers teaching in a classroom setting. At the beginning of each lesson, students are provided with questions to gauge their understanding of what they’ve learned.

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4. Knovo

Learning online should be fun and easy, and Knovo has made it possible for students who use their platform to have an enjoyable learning experience. Lessons on this platform are intuitive and simple, which makes the entire learning process enjoyable. 

Knovo also offers personalised attention to students making the learning experience more engaging.

Their content library makes it easier for students to carry out enough research on different subjects and topics. Apart from its robust library, students can post questions and get answers from expert tutors.

The virtual learning experience, where students learn from the comfort of their homes, makes learning easier because lessons are scheduled at a learner’s convenience.

5. Queri

Image courtesy Facebook

Queri is a fantastic app for students. It allows them to solicit and give help on academic assignments, giving students credit for answering questions created by other people.

Students looking for help can post a question and get answers from other users who understand a concept better. It makes learning fun and engaging because students get the morale they need.

Users can buy credits ranging from $1.50 and $2 through the app store and then use those credits to post questions. The app can recognise and reward correct answers through badges that are displayed to users.

The entire structure of the Queri app creates a fun, interactive environment where students are rewarded for asking questions and giving answers.

This is especially useful for students who have trouble finding time to study or understand a concept. The app allows them to ask questions in a friendly environment, which helps them feel more confident in their various abilities.

6. EduSnap

Image courtesy Tech in Asia

EduSnap is an online marketplace where students and parents can connect with experts in their subjects. The site is free to join, and it’s a great place to find tutors who have experience helping students learn concepts that they don’t understand.

Students can ask up to three questions per day for free under the free registered users section.

Students can browse through expert profiles, which include information about their subject areas, availability, and rates. Afterwards, they can then send requests for help or work directly with tutors available at a time that works for them.

Parents can also use EduSnap to find experts for their children by searching for specific subjects or a particular tutor’s name.  

7. Duolingo

Image courtesy The Business Journals

Duolingo is a games-focused language app that is visually appealing and targeted for quick vocabulary retention. Students can start learning immediately after signing up.

There’s also adaptive learning in the premium edition named duolingo plus that focuses on areas the students need to improve depending on their mistakes.

As speaking and reading are the main concepts of duolingo, students can familiarise themselves with the grammar structure while practicing the target accent, tone, language and pronunciation.

8. Miao

Image courtesy Miao Mi APK

Miao helps students solve the question and provide similar suggestions that can reinforce their learning. Students don’t need to type the whole question; they can take photos, and the app will solve the equations.

The app has so many questions and students can use it for free. The founders of Miao use different past papers and came up with solutions that students find hard to understand. The approach made it possible to provide real-time solutions to students that students found challenging. 

Miao is accurate and straight to the point, as its main objective is to subtract tricky math sums and make learning easy by just taking a photo and uploading it to the app.

9. My Script Calculator

Image courtesy Google Play

As an award-winning app, it is easy to see why My Script Calculator is becoming a favourite among students.

My Script Calculator is suitable for both android and IOS. Students using this app can perform mathematical operations with free handwriting of expressions on their touch screen. 

My Script Calculator converts handwritten numbers and symbols clearly and then instantly shows you the solution to a math expression. In addition, the app supports complex expressions, letting you draw the symbol for square roots, draw the division and multiplication symbols.

Students can also use the app to solve variables that have question marks. The app will then replace the question mark with the correct answer automatically. It is amazing how well the app understands and converts free handwriting and solves complex expressions.


Image courtesy of khromkrathok- freepik

Online tutoring is an excellent way to get help when you feel like your child needs more attention. It can be used in addition to physical tutoring, or as a stand-alone service.

The flexibility of online tutors is amazing. You can set up an appointment whenever works best for you and your family. It’s all about finding the right tutor who will be able to provide the help that your child needs!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.