Blog Students Study Tips How To Get Better At Math

How To Get Better At Math

Many students put in a lot of time in mastering Math and still feel like they don’t understand what they’re learning. They don’t always maximize their potential as effectively as they could.

Here’s how you work efficiently and excel in Math. Some of these ideas will take a little more time since they demand a different approach to the content at hand.

However, in the long run, using this strategy will save you time and improve understanding!

Class Attendance

Always show up for class! You can indeed take notes from your classmates, but it’s not the same thing. Make sure you arrive on time as being punctual helps in being organised as well.

Analyze, question, debate, and interact as an active student. In short, participate in the classes!

It’s critical that you know your teacher’s name, work hours, and a phone number where you may reach him or her. Also, make sure you bring the syllabus, schedule, handbook, and any extra items to the class. 

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If you have any tuition or enrichment classes, make sure to use it to your advantage by asking questions that you could not clarify in school.

Taking Notes

1) Take notes on what is written on the whiteboard, including the problem and subpages.

2) Make a note of the explanation for what’s on the panel. For each phase of the challenge, write an explanation.

3) Leave blank areas and fill them in within one day if you don’t have time to offer an answer on the spot.

4) Don’t cram numbers and symbols together; leave enough of room.

5) Make a list of the key points and highlight them. For each section, keep handwritten notes with formulas and explanations.

6) Use photos, graphs, charts, and other visual aids to make your material more understandable.

7) Take thorough notes for upcoming tasks and tests. Keep track of all of your grades during the year.

8) Structure your notes as well as you can. Don’t be hesitant to use paper in your projects. Only use the margins to emphasize crucial topics. Make a note of any time an educator reinforces a point in his or her lecture.

If you are using an electronic device (eg. an iPad), you can also structure your notes!

Understanding Concepts

It’s critical to go over the necessary sections of your notes before attempting to solve your Math assignments.

Memorizing a multitude of apparently irrelevant Mathematical steps from an example or manual may appear to work at first, but your memory might quickly become overwhelmed, causing you to confuse or lose steps.

Preparing for your Math assignments by reviewing the subject makes reaching each solution more interesting. The easier the subject becomes (as you gain a greater understanding of the concepts that underpin the exercises), the less probable that you will mix up examples or forget instructions. 

Take some time to think about what you’re reading when you’re reviewing the content.

Take algebra for example. Algebra can be a hard topic to master for many students. So it will be good to understand the concepts and do loads of practice. If you feel like you need more practice or to solve algebra 2 equations, check out Plainmath’s online exercises.

They might be of great help to students in need. 

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Doing Math Exercises

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. But in reality, it can still be a huge struggle for many of us especially when we felt like we have spent SO MUCH time doing Math!

Although your primary goal is to be able to perform Math problems effectively and quickly, you should not be concerned with speed at this time.

Consider how the Math problems demonstrate the topics you’ve just learned. Consider the Math strategy you’re picking and ask yourself why you’re going in this direction rather than another.

With a lot of practice, the content will become more comprehensible and simpler to recall. Because you now know what you’re doing, you’ll be less inclined to “pick the wrong formula” while solving a Math problem.

You’ll want to focus on raising your pace once you’ve convinced yourself that you fully comprehend what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

You’ll undoubtedly notice that as your understanding improves, so does your ability to complete the problems quickly.

Reflecting Upon your Work

It’s often a good idea to take a few minutes after you’ve completed your reading or doing some problems to reflect on what you’ve just completed.

Consider how the examples link to the written information, as well as how they both connect to what you’ve already learned. In layman term, it is called “double checking”. Probably heard it a lot from our teachers during exams when the time is almost up.

Very often, we could have gotten the right answer for the question and yet we missed out on a careless mistake. This is why having the habit of “double checking” will help you perform better during exams!


Examine your study methods and strategies. If you are dissatisfied with your Math exam scores, you must make improvements, so constantly check on your progress and take the necessary steps to maximize your learning.

Help is always near. If you need a Math tutor, contact SmileTutor today!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.