SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 6 Questions Answered About Why Singapore Could Be Your Go-Study Abroad Destination in 2021

6 Questions Answered About Why Singapore Could Be Your Go-Study Abroad Destination in 2021

Singapore managed to rise from a third-world nation to the first world within a single generation. The small island is home to internationally recognized universities. Since 2014, the nation has ranked among the top 15 nations that offer top-notch education to local and international students.

Globally, Singapore ranks number 6 among nations with the best compatible urban centers for students. The ranking was based on the standard and cost of living, job opportunities, and several quality universities. If you are planning to study in Singapore, we have helped you answer some important questions.


Does education in Singapore meet global standards?

Nearly all public and private universities in Singapore meet international standards. The universities associate with other international universities around the world to offer high-standard education. They have programs that are industry-oriented and help their students get job placements after graduating.

Is the English language widely spoken in Singapore?

Singapore has four officially recognized languages used in ordinary and official communication. They are English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. The predominant language used to teach is English.

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37% of Singaporeans speak English, while the rest of the population use other languages. In terms of demographics, big size of the population of people below 50 speaks English. The older generation is the one that speaks the other languages.

What kind of society lives in Singapore?

Singapore is a multicultural society. Everyone respects the other person’s culture, race, and religion. The country has a mix of Chinese, Indian, English, and local, traditional Singapore cultures.

You will find international students from all major continents of the world. The island nation is home to about 70,000 international students. Although the nation has a mix of cultures from different parts of the world, they are all able to effectively communicate in English as the main communication and business language.

The mixed culture has also made Singapore have many comparative practices with the rest of the world. An international student will feel like they are at home.

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Is education in Singapore affordable?

Comparing Singapore with the rest of Asia, its education can be rated as the most expensive. If you compare it in terms of other nations like the UK and US, Singapore’s education is the most affordable.

International students from the US and UK will find college education in Singapore very cost-efficient. A private university in the US will cost up to $60,000 per annum and a government one about $12,300. In Singapore, it will cost about $11,800 per annum.

Is the cost of living affordable in Singapore?

The cost of living in Singapore is reasonably affordable. An international student will spend about $560 to $1,500 a month on all expenses. University hostels are the cheapest, although international students can opt to live in private hostels, flats, or resident halls.

Public transport is reasonably cheap and a student will spend about $45-55 per month. Nightlife and other forms of entertainment are affordable. It doesn’t matter if the student chooses to live on campus or in apartments.

Is Singapore a secure nation?

According to the safe city index 2019, Singapore was ranked the 2nd safest city globally. The city has been ranked high in terms of safety for many years. The nation strictly enforces its laws and offenders are dealt with according to law.

International students should not worry about their safety any time of the day or night. Some of the universities have private security teams that patrol the campuses day and night. The government is stable and the social environment is conducive.

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Singapore can be termed as a tiny nation in terms of landmass, but in terms of economic development, it is ranked as a first-world nation. The government is keen to invest in education so that the population can be literate. Investment in education has opened doors for many international students who have found an opportunity to study in the nation.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.