SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Top 5 Ways to Handle Teacher Troubles in School

Top 5 Ways to Handle Teacher Troubles in School

As parents, we want what is best for our children, especially when it comes to their education.

We will get them enrolled in good schools and ensure that their teachers know what they are teaching. However, if our children complain about their teachers, it is crucial that you act accordingly. But, how should you react to these complaints?

Here are 5 great ways on how you can handle your child’s teacher troubles in school:

Investigate Thoroughly

Before you act on your child’s complaints, you should do your investigation if the complaint is warranted.

Try asking your child about the teacher in question when they are in a good mood. Your child may have a different opinion during this time and as they talk to you, figure out why they are complaining about the teacher.

If you want to ask them further, you can start by dissecting their day. You can ask them about their daily school activities and their teacher’s activities.

You can also ask them about specifics if you need more proof that their comments about their teacher are warranted.

Play Advocate

You can also speak to your child and let them know that you will be speaking to their teacher.

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If your child is reluctant to talk in fear that the teacher will cause problems if they find out they talked, you should tell them that parents, teachers and the school need to work together to help schools be good for students.

If they don’t tell you what’s wrong, how could you help them with their worries? Your child will then realize that you are ready to help and that you won’t ignore their concerns.

It will also tell them that you will not just march in the school to get things fixed. You will be getting to the bottom of things and find a solution.

You may also inspire your child to act so they can handle the situation before you intervene. You can suggest that they meet up with the teacher after class and talk to them about their concerns.

Teachers are humans and they can’t know everyone’s thoughts. They will need to be told before they can act to change their actions towards your children.

Meet the Teacher

Before you intervene or act on your child’s complaints, you should get the side of the teacher as well.

Children do not easily able to convey their concerns completely and they often unable to explain what their instincts are telling them. In turn, the teacher may have a reason for being upset with your child, which may have been interpreted wrongly by your child.

Schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher and start it off with a good tone. Talk about the good things the teacher started in class before you go talk about the reasons why you are there.

You can let the teacher know that your child is having issues with certain aspects of their teachings and you are not blaming them for anything.

Make sure your tone is casual and won’t cause the teacher to become defensive. When they do become defensive, they will deny all the allegations and even be offended by your claims.

You should also meet up with the teacher with your child and meet them separately as well. This will open an opportunity for both to sort out the issue without others influencing the situation.

You can also ask them to follow up with you regularly if the situation has improved or not. If your child’s complaints are not warranted as you discovered through your talks with them, you can also apologize and let them know you will talk to your child about their concerns.

You can then explore other options on how you can resolve their concerns and ask the teacher what they can recommend as well.

Reach out to other parents

If it is the teacher that is the cause of the problem, you should also check if other children in the same class have experienced the same issue as your child.

Talk to the parents to see if they have experienced the same thing. Of course, make sure that you keep things light to ensure the parents don’t get suspicious even if their child has not complained about the teacher. The last thing you want is to create unnecessary fear among the parents’ community.

Reaching out to parents about the issue will also help you determine if the complaints are true. If they know you also share the same concerns, they will speak out about what their children are sharing.

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It will also give you more information about the teacher that you do not know. This will then give you an idea if the teacher has been committing the act for a while.

Speak with a higher authority

If the issue remains unresolved, it may be time for you to reach out to the school’s officials.

The principal must be willing to be the mediator between the teacher and students if there is an issue. It is also important that one must be upfront with the action because the teacher may continue their actions.

Seek a meeting with the teacher and principal so they both know your concerns. Doing this in private will also ensure the teacher still feels respected and you are concerned about their image.

When the principal steps in, it will definitely change how the problem will be resolved or grow. Teachers will definitely act if the higher officials step in. If nothing changes, you can contact the principal once more to get their attention to follow up.


Teachers are our children’s second parents while they are in school. To encourage active learning, a positive school experience is crucial. They must be people our children can trust and go to when they have problems. However, if the teachers themselves are the ones causing our children to have problems at school, it is our responsibility to resolve the issue.

With these tips above, we are sure that you will be able to help your child with their teacher troubles.

To help your child to settle well in school so to better concentrate on their studies, here are some helpful articles:

Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School: What You Need to Know
Should You Send Your Kids to a Co-Ed or Same Gender School?


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.