Study hacks
Ever wonder how your peers seem to ace every exam? Or how some make great improvements so quickly? There is a difference between studying hard and studying smart. Want to ace your exams? Need study hacks for PSLE/ O levels/ N levels/ A levels? You too can find the best way to study.
In SmileTutor’s exclusive guide to studying smart, we present study tips to guide effective learning and teach students how to study smarter and faster. Be in preparing for exams, mastering a new subject, or memorizing things quickly, there is always a better way to do it.
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[Adobe Stock] Why do we have a word count limit in our English compositions? Usually, word counts level the playing field among students. It restricts...
4 Top Online Tools Every Student Needs in 2022
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Thanks to the advancement of technology during the pandemic, the number of educational technology tools and apps has increased dramatically. Such tools are aimed at...
6 Games to Play to Improve Your Chinese
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[iStock] Chinese is one of the most challenging subjects for many of us students. The symbols and ‘pinyin’ sometimes seem incoherent to us, especially if...
6 Tips To Help You Prepare for a Debate
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[iStock] Nowadays, schools are bringing debate to their classrooms. This is an opportunity for students to develop critical thinking and other valuable skills for further...
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