SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Should You Take Up a Uniform Group as a CCA?

06 August 2022

[] Are you a new Secondary student deciding what Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) you should join? Want to join a CCA that is enjoyable but also...

Things You Should Consider Before Changing Courses in Poly

02 August 2022

[123RF] Choosing a poly course is hard. You want a course that you are passionate about and can succeed in. But what if the course...

How to Set Up a Montessori Classroom at Home

01 August 2022

Many parents want to give their children the best education possible at home. Unfortunately, they don't know how to go about the entire process. Setting...

What Parents Must Know about Specific Learning Disability

28 July 2022

Are you a parent who suspects your child may have Specific Learning Disability (SLD)? Are you confused, scared, and at a loss as to what...

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