SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

The Modern Dilemma: Navigating Childcare as a Full-Time Working Mother

25 August 2023

[Pexels] To afford Singapore's high standard of living, most families choose to adopt two full-time incomes in order to support the family.  This means that...

5 Engaging Ways to Spark a Love for Learning in Your Child

02 August 2023

(Pexels - Yan Krukau) Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children's academic journey and overall attitude towards education. As the first teachers in...

Active Listening for Children Benefits, Techniques & Examples

06 July 2023

Childhood is perhaps the most essential period for a child’s cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. Strong listening skills are integrated with all four aspects...

Navigating Singapore’s Educational System for Children with Special Needs

19 May 2023

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash Being a parent is tough, and it is even tougher being a parent with a special needs child. In...

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