SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

How a Play Based Approach Can Advance Your Child’s Gross Motor Skills

22 February 2022

Children are naturally active and they love to move. A child can hone his/her gross motor skills by participating in physical activities. When children participate...

Character and Intelligence: What’s more important in students?

14 February 2022

Character is everything. A person who has a good character tends to have a good personality that attracts people.   Character is used to describe a...

4 Simple Ways Tutors Can Motivate Young Readers

20 January 2022

Reading books can be boring for young children who have a hard time staying still and face difficulties in understanding the benefits of reading. Reading...

Life Lessons from 5 Disney Movies

20 January 2022

Disney is known for so many of our childhood cartoons such as Mickey Mouse and all the classic fairytale movies like Cinderella. Children love the...

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