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Must read articles for Common mistakes

Imposter Syndrome: Is Your Child Suffering Silently?

18 January 2024

As you’re walking home with your child, they look up and say to you: “Mummy, I’m sorry I did poorly again.” While you were expecting...

History Vs Social Studies – Which Subject to Choose?

29 December 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) When choosing electives during secondary school, your students get to choose their humanities: Geography, Literature, and History, but Social Studies is compulsory...

Master Your Public Speaking Skills: Communicate like a TEDTalk Presenter!

21 December 2023

Due for a class presentation soon, and want to ace it like one of those TEDTalk speakers you’ve seen online? Maybe you’re an introvert, thinking...

Pets 101: How to Teach Your Children to Take Care of Pets

17 December 2023

Hey parents! Thinking about adopting a pet for your children? Or perhaps they already own a pet but they don’t know how to care for...

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