SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

Pets 101: How to Teach Your Children to Take Care of Pets

17 December 2023

Hey parents! Thinking about adopting a pet for your children? Or perhaps they already own a pet but they don’t know how to care for...

Different Part-Time Jobs For Students

05 December 2023

Being a student is tough: you’re studying all the time, and sometimes you just want to help lighten your parents’ financial burden or have a...

Ban These 5 Distractions While Studying!

05 December 2023

[Pexels] Tired of studying for hours on end without retaining much information in your head? Constantly getting sidetracked for some reason or another? It’s time...

Dogs as Lifetime Friends: Should My Child Adopt a Dog in Singapore?

01 December 2023

Dogs are cute. Dogs are cuddly, and they make great company. In simpler words, what else is there when you’re looking for a good domestic...

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