Must read articles for A level

Are We Too Focused on Grades in Singapore?

06 August 2020

Academic performance in Singapore is often pushed to children because it is believed that the better they perform at school, the better their chances are...

Changes to National Exams in 2020: List of Topics Removed from PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level

26 June 2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore Schools from all levels were closed for 2 months and online learning was made the alternative to help students keep up...

MOE Reduce More than A Third of GCE Coursework Assessment Tasks

04 June 2020

Those taking their GCE will find their assessment tasks reduced due to the changes brought by the COVID-19 outbreak to the country’s education sector. Early...

1 in 5 students in Singapore expect starting salaries of S$4,000 or more

15 March 2020

A recent survey indicates that a majority of Singaporean students today are expecting high salary once they start working. In the survey released on November...

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