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Jaw-Dropping Tips to Improve your Writing


We all know writing essays can be very tough and draining as it requires quite a bit of creative juice and time to craft out your masterpiece.

To some people, the creative flow comes more naturally. For others, they tend to feel that they’re constantly on a mental block. 

Which do you fall under?

If you feel that you are those who are always fretting on what to write, don’t worry!

This article here has got your back, I’ll be breaking down some tips to make it easier for you to absorb, let’s go!

Understand the Questions/Topics

Of course you must understand the question/topic before taking it on, this is such a banal tip isn’t it?

Hate to break it to you but it isn’t as obvious as it seems.

Many students overlook the importance of fully understanding what the question/topic is implying, and end up writing off topic.

This is one, if not, the most common factor behind a subpar grade in essay writing.

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How do you avoid writing off topics you ask?

Well, you can start off with reading the question carefully and highlighting the keywords.

After identifying the keywords, you’ll then be able to identify the type of essay the question is asking. 

As secondary school students, you’re expected to know how to write 4 types of essays.

  • Narrative
  • Descriptive
  • Argumentative 
  • Expository

Make sure you identify the right keywords so you know what the essays are asking!

Start Ahead of the Deadline


Now that you understand what your question/topic is about, this may also seem like a no-brainer tip, but trust me, it’s extremely effective!

Many students underestimate the power of starting ahead and always choose to procrastinate till last minute.

This often leads to students burning the midnight oil and submitting incomplete work, or work done with bare minimal effort.

Doing work at the last minute can cause unnecessary stress as you know that you’re in a race against time, this can cause you to mess up some parts of your essay without you knowing.

How do you avoid putting yourselves in such undesirable situations?

Yes, start on your work way before the deadline!

By doing so, you’re allowing yourself more time to ponder about and get the creative juices going.

This will enable you to come up with many ideas, then you can slowly eliminate those you’re uncomfortable writing. 

After coming up with the idea that you deem most suitable, it’s time to put some planning into it.

Plan Wisely


Planning wisely means to allocate time into the different stages of writing an essay masterpiece.

For secondary school students sitting for their O/N Level exams, you have 1 hour 50 minutes to plan and craft an essay.

In order to maximise the 110 minutes that you have, I’d recommend splitting your time into 3 segments, Planning, Executing, Proofreading.

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You should only spend a total of 20 minutes on planning and proofreading, this will leave you with 90 minutes to construct your essay.

Allocating your time like so will allow you to have ample to plan, write, and check for errors!

Use Credible Source

This tip is especially important for polytechnic and university students who have to write research articles or reports for their exams.

Students in these tertiary institutions are required to quote their findings from credible sources such as Newspaper, Scientific Articles, Textbooks, etc, if they’re using it to support their argument or statement.

However, you should take note that not every information readily available is credible.

Here are some unacceptable sources,

  • Magazines
  • Forums
  • Wikipedia
  • Out-of-date Materials (published more than 10 years ago)

Make sure to avoid citing your sources from these places if you don’t want to be penalised from avoidable mistakes!

Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism means lifting a huge chunk of information written by someone else without changing much of the meaning.

It’s a very serious offence when it comes to writing, the penalty of it varies from school to school.

You can easily avoid this foul play by using a free online plagiarism checker.

Ensure Smooth Flow

Now this might be one of the most important factors to scoring well for your writing.

Having a concise and logical structure ensures that your writing is focused and not all over the place, it also makes sure that you don’t steer from the main question/topic.

If you’re writing an argumentative essay, it’s imperative to make sure that there is fluidity in your factors as it makes it easier to grasp and understand your point of view.

Make sure each of your following factors backup your previous one, so that it helps the reader to shed light on the topic you’re discussing.

Remember, nothing beats a good read than having smooth flow.


Source for External Help

What if you have exhausted all your options even despite following all the tips I’ve given you?

Well, maybe you can rely on external help and hire someone to assist you.

That’s where custom writing websites like AssignCode comes into play.

AssignCode is a trustworthy live writing service with tons of benefits that ensure students’ success and convenience.

Using AssignCode you can ensure the following;

  • High-quality academic papers
  • On-time deliveries
  • Fully authentic content
  • Coverage of all disciplines
  • Full customisation
  • Private data protection

Professional writers will write all assignment types on algebra, programming, philosophy, and other disciplines. 

Your assignments can be written, edited, quoted, outlined, rewritten, etc, and will be delivered exactly when you need them.

The prices are affordable and fair, it’s possible to customise your orders according to your needs and finances. 

With AssignCode, you can ensure an improvement in your GPA!


There you have it!

These are some jaw-dropping tips for you to improve your writing.

If you want to improve, make sure to put these tips into practice and you will see a drastic increase in your writing grades!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.