SmileTutor Blog Parents Teaching Tips Help Your Child Master Math With These Tips

Help Your Child Master Math With These Tips

Math is crucial for all school-attending children in Singapore because it’s one of the subjects tested in the curriculum. It can be frustrating for both of you if you have a child who struggles with math.

Unless they get the help they need, poor math skills can have far-reaching consequences for children. They may feel discouraged and lose confidence in their ability to do well in school.

Fortunately, numerous activities can help children succeed in mathematics, some of which require little or no money and are fun to do together.

1. Check Out Your Local Library

One of the best places to start when trying to teach your child math is by checking out books from the library. You may be surprised at how many resources there are for children and parents alike.

Libraries offer many fun books to help your child learn about numbers and shapes, making learning more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Also, check out workbooks specifically designed for your child’s age group.

This way, you can monitor their progress as they go along and see what areas they may be struggling with – such as counting money or telling time on an analog clock.

2. Encourage Them to Solve Problems on Their Own

If your child struggles with maths, it can be tempting to step in and solve the problem for them.

After all, it’s faster and easier than teaching them how to do it themselves. But this will just reinforce their reliance on you and make them less likely to try solving problems on their own in future.

Instead, try encouraging them to try solving the problem by themselves first. If they get stuck, point out any steps they might have missed or suggest a different approach if they’re really stuck. This way they’ll learn how to approach problems without having someone else do it for them every time.

When looking for a book, try to find one that has lots of pictures and illustrations that help explain concepts in an easy to understand manner.

This will make it easier for children to understand what they are reading and also make it more enjoyable.

3. Hire a Tutor

One of the best ways to help your child master maths is by hiring a tutor  that works well with their learning style.

Visual learners might not react well to learning through a textbook and may need more visual aids to learn effectively. Similarly, auditory learners might benefit from listening to lectures while they work on their homework or study for tests.

Tutors can help children understand concepts, identify areas of weakness and help them learn how to approach problems more efficiently.

It’s also important that they can explain concepts in a way that makes sense to your child and helps build their confidence in maths.

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Group tuition or enrichment classes is another great way for your child to tackle a subject from various points of view and reach their full potential.

4. Participate in Activities that Involve Numbers

Children love to play games, and there’s no better way to help them master maths than by engaging them in activities that involve numbers.

From counting to shapes, and even simple addition and subtraction problems, your child can practice their maths skills and learn how to master them at an early age.

You can do this by playing games with them or helping them solve some basic problems during their free time or after school. This will help them get used to the feeling of solving problems in a fun way so they won’t feel overwhelmed when they are expected to do it on their own at school.

5. Use Visual Aids

A child’s ability to understand and retain new information relies heavily on their ability to relate it to something they already know.

When you’re trying to help your child master mathematics, use visual aids such as charts and graphs or even simple pictures.

The more connected they are with the information you’re trying to teach them, the better they’ll be able to retain it.

6. Set Up a Study Schedule

A study schedule will ensure that your child’s learning is consistent, structured and that they have enough time to practice their skills. It also helps you know when to give them more work and when to let them take a break

Setting up a study schedule is the first step to mastering maths. It can help your child stay on track and make sure they’re studying the right topics.

You should set up your schedule with some flexibility. You don’t want it to be too lenient, but you also don’t want it to be so strict that your child won’t be able to keep up.

Make sure you and your child both agree on the schedule together, so that everyone feels like they’re in control of their own learning.

7. Take Advantage of Technology

Many online resources can help your child learn math skills.

You can use websites like Khan Academy or apps like Geniebook, Snapask, and Miao. These resources provide videos, games, and exercises to help your child practice their skills independently.

There are plenty of math apps out there that can help your child learn basic skills like counting and addition. Computers and handheld devices are great tools for learning math and physics. They can help kids visualize concepts and reinforce what they’ve learned in school.

Math and Physics tutors provide a convenient and interactive platform for students to receive personalized instruction, better understand mathematical concepts, and reinforce what they’ve learned in school.

For example, many websites offer free online games that teach basic arithmetic rules and strategies, while others provide virtual calculators that let users type in problems and see how they would have been solved manually. 

8. Practice Regularly

Practice makes perfect, so make sure your child practices regularly. If they can’t find time at school, encourage them to do it at home.

Set aside a regular time each week when they can study and practice their math skills. This will help them build up their confidence and get used to doing math questions.


While it’s important for students to do well in math, it’s even more important for them to enjoy it. If they don’t enjoy the subject, they will only begrudgingly learn it and won’t apply themselves during lessons.

The more you help your child practice and learn, the better their grades will be. Spending every day working with your child on math can become tiresome, but it’s worth it when you see them learning and developing a love for math rather than treating it like a subject they have to suffer through.

If you want to ensure that your child has the best chance at success in school and beyond, then you’ll need to help them master the fundamentals of the subject.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.