The Best Quiet Cafes in Singapore to Study or Work At

19 January 2023

Traditionally, cafes, coffee shops, and other eateries have served as hotspots for social interactions and good food and drinks. However, in the post-pandemic age, these...

6 Poor Study Habits You Should Avoid

29 October 2022

[Adobe Stock] During study sessions, students develop study habits to be more efficient. It allows them to cover more content and complete their revision faster....

How to Study History More Efficiently?

25 October 2022

[iStock] As the O levels near, the pressure is on as students push to complete their revision for their exams. This is especially so for...

Is Music Helpful or Distracting?

19 September 2022

[iStock] In the 2019 National Music Consumption Survey done by National Arts Council (NAC), it showed that 36% of the time, Singaporeans listen to music...

6 Games to Play to Improve Your Chinese

18 August 2022

[iStock] Chinese is one of the most challenging subjects for many of us students. The symbols and ‘pinyin’ sometimes seem incoherent to us, especially if...

How Important Is A Study Table For Education?

15 August 2022

[Unsplash] In academics, having the perfect study environment is an important factor in students’ academic success. After all, students need to establish a place where...