SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Are Singaporean Parents Reading Enough To Inspire Their Children’s Reading Habits?

Are Singaporean Parents Reading Enough To Inspire Their Children’s Reading Habits?

Reading is an essential skill that is important for children’s development. It helps with language acquisition, cognitive development, and even emotional intelligence.

However, getting children to read can be challenging, especially when they have other distractions like TV, video games, and social media.

Inspiring your child’s reading habits requires patience, creativity, and consistency. Here are some tips to encourage your child’s reading habits:

Lead By Example

Children often mimic their parents’ behaviour. If you want to inspire your child to read, make reading a part of your daily routine.

You can read a book or a magazine while they read their favourite book. Show your child that you enjoy reading, and it’s not just something you’re asking them to do.

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You can set a good example by reading regularly. Children are likelier to develop good reading habits if they see you enjoying books and talking about them.

They’ll also be more likely to read if they have access to books that interest them, so ensure there’s plenty of variety in the house.

Set aside some time each day for reading together as a family; this will help build your child’s enthusiasm for books and make it easier for them to find something interesting on their own later on.

Create a Reading Space

The first step to creating a reading space is to designate a special place for your child.

This can be anywhere in the house, but it should be somewhere that feels comfortable and cosy, like their own personal oasis. Make sure there’s plenty of comfortable furniture and books so they feel inspired to settle in for quality time with their favourite stories.

Keep Track of What Your Child Reads

Keeping track of your child’s reading is a great way to help them develop good reading habits.

You can do this by creating a log where you write down the book’s title, author, and grade level. Then, ask your child questions about the book when they finish reading it.

For example: “What did you think of Johnny? Did he remind you of anyone?” 

This will encourage them to think critically about what they read and engage with characters more meaningfully than following along passively through an adventure story or fantasy world.

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Praise your child for their efforts.

It’s easy to get frustrated when your child isn’t a fast reader or doesn’t like the books you’ve chosen. But don’t let them feel discouraged.

Instead of focusing on what they aren’t doing right, praise them for what they do well and encourage them to keep trying. Don’t be overly critical of their reading skills or choices in books, it will only make things worse.

Instead of criticizing their reading habits, focus on making reading fun so your child will want to continue doing it on his own time outside of school work or homework.

Find Books That Interest Your Child

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You can help your child develop a love of reading by finding books that intrigue them. Encourage them to pick out books that match their interests and then read them together.

If you’re visiting the library or bookshop, let your child browse the shelves and choose some titles they’d like to read.

If your child is still learning to read, look for books at their reading level.

If they are having trouble with words or letters, try using picture books as an introduction to reading before moving on to chapter books with larger print and more complicated vocabulary.

Provide Access to Books

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Ensure your child can access various books in your home, from fiction to non-fiction. Visit your local library and add to your child’s book collection whenever possible. The library is also great for your child to explore and get inspired by the books around them.

Encourage conversation when they’re reading. Talk to your child about the books they’ve read. Ask them questions to help them think more deeply about what they’ve read.

This will help them develop critical thinking skills.

Cultivate a Reading Habit When They Are Young

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Cultivating a reading habit when your child is young is important. Reading stories together will help them develop a love for books.

Once they are old enough to read independently, make sure you buy books that interest them and keep them engaged. If they are uninterested in the book, they won’t want to read it again. Encourage your child to read at home by setting aside daily time for reading.

Ensure they have access to books in their bedroom, so they have something to do during their free time.


Photo courtesy of  Alex Green- Pexels

Studies show that reading habits developed in childhood will influence one’s overall reading ability in the future.

Research also shows that children who keep up with reading skills over a long period of time have an easier time learning other content areas after they’re no longer exposed to reading as a daily practice.

By starting early and continuing throughout the years, reading becomes such a basic second-nature skill that it helps learners understand new concepts that have not yet been taught.

Let your children learn the fun way by incorporating books and other literature into their daily lives.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.