SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips 7 Sure-Fire Tips to Ace your Geography Exams – Thank Us Later!

7 Sure-Fire Tips to Ace your Geography Exams – Thank Us Later!

Do you find it tough to score an A for your geography exams?

Well, in some ways it’s quite understandable why students find geography a tough subject to ace.

Geography is a very diverse subject that actually contains a mixture of multiple subjects.

It contains concepts with relation to science and sociology.

Because of this, it can be very daunting to students who are learning it for the first time.

However, I can assure you that geography is actually very interesting and not difficult to ace.

Here are sure-fire tips that are guaranteed to help you score that A that you need.

1) Format of Geography O Level Papers

It’s super important for you to know the format of the geography paper you’ll be sitting for.

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This way, you’ll know how many marks each section contains. 

Knowing the weightage of each section will help you manage your time better as you’ll know which areas require more time and focus.

For your geography exam, it’s broken down to 2 papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, to be taken at separate sittings.

Paper 1

Consists of 2 sections that equates to 50% of total score.

Section A consists of a 25 marks structured question on Geographical Investigations.

The question will be based on topics such as Coasts, and Global Tourism.

Section B consists of two 25 marks structured questions based on topics as Coasts, and Global Tourism as well.

Note that for Section B, 1 of the questions will be based on either Coasts or Global Tourism, while the other will be a mix of both.

You’re required to just answer 1 of the questions.

You’ll have 1 hour 40 minutes to complete Paper 1.

Paper 2

Consists of 2 sections that equates to remaining 50% of total score.

Section A consists of two 25 marks structured questions based on topics such as Living with Tectonic Hazards, and Variable Weather and Changing Climate.

Note that 1 of the questions will be based on either Living with Tectonic Hazards or Variable Weather and Changing Climate, while the other question will be a mixture of both.

You’re required to just answer 1 of the questions.

Section B consists of two 25 marks structured questions based on topics such as Food Resources, and Health and Diseases.

Note that 1 of the questions will be based on either Food Resources, or Health and Diseases, while the other question will be a mixture of both.

You’re required to just answer 1 of the questions.

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You’ll have 1 hour 30 minutes to complete Paper 2.

2) Pay Attention in Class

This is probably a no brainer for most people, but when it comes to humanities, paying attention in class is one of the most effective ways for you to absorb the content.

Instead of having to read huge chunks of content from your textbooks, your teacher will verbally simplify the content so that it’s easier for you.

So make sure you pay attention in class, if not, you’re going to have a hard time reading and absorbing content nearing your exam date.

3) Write Down Your Own Customised Notes

Writing down your own notes is also another effective way of studying.

When it comes to geography, there are different ways of taking notes.

Let’s say you’re trying to understand how rain forms.

Instead of just plainly writing down words, you can draw pictures showing how water vapour condenses when it reaches the point of condensation.

And when a lot of water vapour condenses, it forms a cloud.

Eventually when the cloud holds too many water droplets, it’ll release the water droplets in the form of rain.

This makes it way easier to understand the concept, without having to write down a lot of words.

Research from the University of Michigan has shown that taking notes during lesson time and reviewing it later has a positive impact on student learning.

Taking notes helps you when it comes to recalling and applying new knowledge.

Which shows why students are better able to answer essay questions which require them to memorise huge chunks of information.

With that in mind, it’s good practice to start taking down your own notes during lesson time.

4) Compile Your Customised Notes

The entire geography syllabus is broken down into 3 themes, Physical Geography, Human Geography, and Geographical Skills and Investigations.

This means you’ll have notes catering to each different theme, and since there are 3 themes, you can only imagine the huge amount of notes you’ll have written down prior to your exam.

In order to avoid confusion and time wasting when referring to your notes, I suggest that you compile them according to the different themes.

This way it’s easier for you when you need to refer to them when studying.

5) Take Note of Your English 

Since most geography questions are open-ended, it means you have to make sure keywords such as “Earthquake”, “Tourists”, etc are spelled correctly.

They are what markers will look out for when marking your scripts.

It’s also good practice to make sure there are no grammar errors in your answers.

You never know how lenient the markers are going to be, some may close an eye, some may not.

So it’s better to make sure that your English is top notch in order not to lose marks to silly and avoidable mistakes.

If you’re weak in English, it’ll be significantly harder for you to do well in Geography.

Consider getting an English home tutor.

6) Practise Exam Papers

Doing the past year exam papers your teachers gave out to is another excellent way for you to ace your geography exams.

There’s no point putting in many hours to study and memorise information if you’re not going to apply it.

Research has shown that when students constantly apply what they have learned, they will be able to retain the information longer as compared to just memorising it by heart.

With that said, you should start putting hours into applying what you have learned.

If the past year exam papers given by your teachers aren’t enough, you can click on this link to download free exam papers.

7) Seek Help When Lost

It feels horrible when you realise that there are still a lot of questions that you’re unable to answer properly despite your exam date approaching right?

Well, this is when you should seek help.

Compile all the questions that you’re unable to answer and ask your geography during lesson time or after school.

Your geography teachers are the ones who know best on your weak and strong points.

However, if your geography teacher is always too busy to teach you 1-to-1 during lesson time or after school, you can hire a private tutor to help you with your studies!

Click on this link to find out more about geography tuition for O Level Students!


Here you go!

Here are 7 sure-fire tips to ace your geography exams!

If you follow these tips by heart, I’m sure the A1s will just keep coming!

With that said, I wish you the best of luck!

Here are some related articles you might like to read:

5 Ways to help Students Remember Geography Case Studies

The Secret Formula to Ace Your Exams – SmileTutor


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.