SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips 15 Time Management Tips to Improve Exam Revision

15 Time Management Tips to Improve Exam Revision

When it comes to exam revisions, students prepare differently. Some are able to create new routines for themselves to make their study time more effective and help them with their exams. Others often flail during this period and try to cram as much as they can. A few are unable to cope and find themselves unable to keep up with their studies.

If your examination period is coming and you want to improve your chances of being able to prepare correctly, here are 15-time management tips to help you for your exam revision time:

1. Prepare a Weekly and Daily Schedule

When the term begins and before you need tostart getting more studies in, have a calendar of what you need to do for the entire term. List down all you need to remember such as your assignment deadlines, national examination dates, school activities and so on.

Once you have a term calendar done, prepare your weekly and daily schedule to list down all you need to do on that specific date or week. It could include your subject list, deadlines and notes. Make it a point to update your schedule regularly to reflect any tasks you have to do, such as assignments or extra curricular activities.

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If you are done with one certain item in your schedule, put a check mark on it so you know you are accomplishing your tasks for the day.

2. Assess your time

While you work on your schedule, use the time to assess your time and plan accordingly. Know which tasks are short-term goals and which ones are long-term goals.

You should also take the time to see which ones you need to do and try to think ahead to reduce your workload. You can break down large tasks and make them more easy to work on.

3. Set your priorities

Look at all the tasks you have before you and set your priorities carefully.

Focus on the urgent and important ones first, then you do the urgent but not too important tasks next, followed by the important but not too urgent tasks and do the minor tasks last. This will reduce the amount of time you could waste which you could have used for your preparations.

4. Be realistic

If you want your examination revision time to be more productive, make sure that you are doing a realistic schedule. Always have time for breaks and eating and make sure that you only work with what you could and continue the next day.

You should also prevent yourself from cramming at the last minute (but these last minutes tips will help you if you’re already there) because it will be counterproductive.

5. Practise effective study techniques

Aside from being realistic with your schedule and goals, you should also use these effective study habits to make your revisions more effective. At home, have a good area where you can study in peace and also check your old exams or tests as a reference on how the exams can go.

You should also organise your tasks based on how much you can work and keep it all realistic. For example, if you are hoping to target finishing a chapter for an hour, make sure you are able to identify the key information the chapter is discussing.

You should also make it a point to put your favourite subjects at the last half of your study hours because you will be able to finish everything even if you are already tired from the hard subjects you have.

6. Allow planning time

Researching about a subject can take a lot of time and it is important that you are able to control your time wisely. Always give yourself some time to process what you just read and plan on how you can apply what you learnt. This will help you save time for revisions.

7. Breakdown heavy chapters into parts

If you have a subject where you have to study a heavy chapter, try to break it into small parts so you will be able to understand the chapter without cramming everything in your brain.

It will also help you identify the key information in the chapter which you may have missed if you crammed them all together.

8. Avoid procrastination and distraction

When you study, it is important that you make sure that you don’t have any of distractions that will cause you to procrastinate in your studies and allow you to study at home effectively. Have your phone and computer on silent mode so you can focus or work in an area that will inspire you to study like in the library or with your friends.

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9. Use review cards

Rereading books and papers can be good but sometimes, it is time consuming. You can easily bypass having to read an entire chapter by creating study notes which have all the key information you need to study. Post-it notes can also work in this case.

10. Always have a goal

If you want to achieve something, you will definitely be motivated to do your best. If you are targeting a certain goal in life or just want to make do with your studies, you should have a goal set for you. Once you have a goal in mind, it will help you focus and drive you towards your future career.

11. Be prepared for the unexpected

There will be instances where your schedule will be disrupted and you won’t be given an advance warning when it happens. To avoid that from happening, insert free time slots in between different subject revision block so you are able to slot in any emergency plans without disrupting your timetable.

12. Find a dedicated study space

If you have a space at home where you can use it as a study space, clean the area and do your studies there. Do not study in your bedroom if possible. Any electronics like television or the radio will be a distraction. If not, you can go to the library or in a study area in your school to help you focus.

13. Use helpful resources

As we always say, try and try until you succeed in all the challenges life throws at you. But, sometimes, you may need some help to get past these obstacles. Don’t be afraid to use helpful resources that will help you with your revisions such as online resources like free exam papers or hiring a tutor to help you to cope with revision.

14. Join a study group

For some students, working in a group makes it easier for them to remember information that they need for their studies. Create or join a study group to help with your research and get more information about various topics faster. You can assign each other a topic to cover and provide the summary for everyone to review.

15. Exercise & Rest Time

As you prepare for your exams, don’t forget to always have rest time and exercise. This will help you keep yourself in peak condition and also help you focus better. If you don’t exercise or give yourself time to rest, you won’t have the energy to focus and recall  what you just studied. Every minute counts and it is very true when it comes to studying.


Exam period is always a struggle for many students but there are ways to get past its challenges. With these tips above, you will be able to focus on your studies and ace your exam without having to worry about losing your drive along the way. Good luck in your exams!

For more study tips, check out these articles:

5 Essential Tips to Overcome Exam Stress
How To Start Your Intensive Revision For A-Levels General Paper?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.