SmileTutor Blog Parents Teaching Tips Top 10 Autism Apps for Children with Special Needs

Top 10 Autism Apps for Children with Special Needs

Children with autism often face learning difficulties because of their condition. They must be taught in a particular way so they can understand concepts easily.

Fortunately, most children with autism can learn concepts with visual aids and with the introduction of tablets and smartphones, visual aids now have a different twist.

Here is our list of the top 10 autism apps for children with special needs.

Visual Reading – special education

This app helps children with learning difficulties read. The app uses Applied Behavior Analysis principles to teach kids and help get past their educational difficulties.

The app teaches kids to hone their ability to retain information visually and teach them phonetics.

At least 900 nouns will be taught through the app and parents can even view the lesson plan through the app’s dashboard. In each lesson, the app will analyze the child’s emotional state before and after each use to see if they are improving.

The app is available for Android devices.

Autism Learning Games: Camp Discovery

Camp Discovery is a great learning app to use if you want to teach kids with Autism and other related learning disorders.

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It uses the Center for Autism and Related Disorders curriculum to make learning fun through visual and audio activities. If the child does not answer correctly, the app will gently guide them to the right answer.

There are mini-games included in the app so children can take a break from the lessons in the app. Parents can also customize the lessons and games in the app and review their progress.

This app is available for iOS devices.

Cosmo Training

If you want to help your child develop their motor, communication and cognitive skills, this is the application you should download.

Cosmo training uses interactive controllers known as Cosmoids, games and music to learn these skills. The app is filled with hours of activities and its interface is very easy to grasp. It can even be used by a large group and there are at least 14 games to choose from.

The lesson plan used in the app follows the National Curriculum and teachers or therapists can check their student’s progress through the app’s analytics feature.

The app is available for iOS devices, especially iPad users.

InnerVoice: Communication

InnerVoice is a unique mobile app that helps children develop their speech and communication skills.

The app was designed by autism specialists, speech-language pathologists and other experts to ensure that anyone can use this to improve their communication skills.

Users can customize their avatar and watch them move on the app. They could then press the avatar to speak, move and even send messages. The app can also translate the avatar’s speech to a different language.

This app is available for all iOS devices.

Special Words

This special app will help children with learning disabilities recognize pictures and sounds and improve their speech and reading.

This app can also help children hone their hand-eye coordination and build their confidence. Parents can customize the lessons used in the app to challenge your child.

The app has 96 pictures and can be set up to one of the 23 languages available for the app.

This app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Autism Discovery Tool

The Autism Discovery Tool app is a good app to use if you want to teach kids to hone their senses and help the people around them to understand a child’s plight.

The app will help children explore all 7 senses and show the variations in each sense. These senses are tested with the help of unique and interactive activities. This app can also be used with others and there are no ads and in-app purchases included in the app.

This app is available for iOS devices.

See.Touch.Learn Pro

Picture cards are always a favourite for many parents and teachers who wish to teach kids with learning difficulties.

Through this app, children have at least 2,000 exercises to work on. Parents can even customize the lessons to challenge kids and customize the prompts. They can even customize the photos shown in the app.

The app is available for iOS devices.

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Emotions and Feelings Autism Social Story

Emotions and feelings are abstract concepts that can be difficult to teach kids with autism and learning difficulties.

With this app, students can learn about them through stories and visual images. The app will explain why each emotion and feeling happens and how children can recognize them.

This app is available for IOS devices.

Touch Trainer- Autism & Special Education

For children with an autism spectrum disorder, and other similar needs, the Touch Trainer app can help them learn about cause and effect.

Children will be engaged in several scenarios through the app and learn the cause and effect of their actions. It will also help them get used to touching screens. It has 7 levels and caregivers can choose when the app responds to the child’s touches and taps.

Children must make the right choices to reach the next level and a reinforcer will be activated if they make the wrong choice.

The app is available for all iOS devices.

SENspeller – The Autism Spelling App

Want your child to learn to spell and recognize sounds faster? This is the app to download.

The app was created to get the interest of the child and help them recognize letters and their corresponding sounds. It has three different stages and parents can check their child’s progress in their results.

Parents can also customize the app depending on their child’s requirements and personalize it. It can also keep 200 words in its database at any time.

This app is available for iOS devices.


Technology is a great way for you or your tutor to help children with autism and learning disabilities. With these apps, your child will be able to learn skills they could not learn through traditional means and keep up with their peers.

These apps can also help you learn how you can help your children keep up despite their disabilities.

For Special needs articles, here they are:

Ten Reasons to Homeschool Your Child with Special Needs
Teaching Tips: 5 Effective Ways TO Help ADHD Kids Learn

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.