SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students Things Not To Miss Out If You Are Republic Polytechnic Student Or Just Visiting

Things Not To Miss Out If You Are Republic Polytechnic Student Or Just Visiting

Situated at 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Republic Polytechnic is the newest tertiary institution that offers courses from different fields such as engineering, business, hospitality, science, and sports. 

As students go through 3 years of diploma education to prepare themselves for university or to enter the workforce, there are things they should not miss out during their stint here to make it more fulfilling and fruitful. 

Here are some of the things you should not miss out as a RP student or just visiting!

1. Food at Republic Poly

Nothing brings people together better than food, and in this article you will find the best food RP has to offer at their different food courts.

Can you list anything that smells better than chilli oil and peppers fried together? Neither can I! At the food court nearest to RP’s entrance, also known as South Food Court, the smell of Ma La overwhelms other stores, and it does not lie, the taste is as good as the smell.

The Ma La store offers a huge variety of food such as Enoki Mushroom, King Oyster Mushroom, Kang Kong, Chinese Cabbage, Tofu, Eggs, Chicken, Beef. You name it, they have it. Oh, did I mention that it is also halal? Talk about inclusive!

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Next up, we have got the famous Ban Mian at the other end of RP, situated at the North Food Court. The Ban Mian is known for its broth, which is light but full of taste. The noodles are authentic hand-stretched wheat noodles and not those dried noodles that you usually find in supermarkets. The Ban Mian costs only SGD $2.50 for a hearty bowl! Finally, something that tastes good but does not break the bank.

2. Insta-worthy places

Despite being a school, RP sure has several places that offer a good background for your Instagram posts.

Lawn, which covers almost the entire 2nd level of RP is a great place for you to take pictures, the bright green grass brings a fresh look to your images.

Next up, we got the 5th level of RP’s carpark. The beautiful wreaths hanging at the walls of the carpark are why every RP student would not fail to take pictures there with their schoolmates at least once a year.

Lastly, we have RP’s famous staircase that can be found in every faculty. The plain white walls offer a clean background for pictures, while the grey staircases, if I may say, add elevation to every photo. Even, lecturers go to the staircases to take pictures with their students, usually on the last day of every semester.

3. RP Career Centre

Feeling lost not knowing what you want to do post-graduation? Well, you are not the only one. Many students are still discovering themselves hence they often feel lost after getting their diploma, not knowing if they should further their studies or enter the workforce straightaway.

Thankfully, RP has experienced counsellors who can aid you in your path to self-discovery and help you with your career choices.

If you are planning to further your studies in university, the counsellors can coach you in writing personal statements for your university applications. Have troubles during interviews? Fret not as the counsellors will give you ground-breaking tips to ace interviews for scholarship and university placements.

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Tired of studying? Want to start gaining work experience? You are in luck as the counsellors give out effective strategies for job hunting, they will also help you in crafting the perfect resume that companies want to see. Thanks RP counsellors!

4. Student Overseas Trip (SOT)

Who would not like to go overseas with their best mates? Luckily, most RP students are given a chance to go abroad to learn more about the course they are learning.

For example, business students studying enterprising get to venture to Sydney to learn more about it.

Apart from learning, students get to enjoy themselves during the trip during their free time to go sightseeing and enjoy the local food.

5. IGNITE! Music Festival

Once every year, RP hosts a student-run music festival called IGNITE!, for local independent bands to showcase their music.

IGNITE! is not just limited to RP students as it will be open to the public for everybody to enjoy and dance their heart out.

IGNITE! is also known for the large-scale stage set-up and the mind-blowing audio-visual experience that audiences will experience.

Being a student, especially a poly student, is not all just about studying, be sure to have a balance between work and life. It does not hurt to try out all the activities listed in this article to add more depth to your poly life. Remember to work hard, play hard!

If you need help with a difficult poly module or just want a private tutor to do your homework with you, feel free to engage our poly tutors.

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What Happens When I Fail a Subject in Poly? – SmileTutor

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.