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The Future of Education: 5 Teaching Trends You Might Want to Keep Up With


In order to adapt to the constant changing and evolving nature of Singapore’s education system, tutors must keep up with teaching trends.

This is especially so in 2022, where the implementation of self-directed learning and the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution hints toward a new era of teaching.

Let us explore the current teaching trends that you should keep up with.

Using Digital Technology

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Since the start of the pandemic, digital technology has been used as a platform to carry out lessons. But there are other uses for it too!

For example, technology offers greater flexibility for lesson planning and lets you accommodate your students’ various learning styles. This is because you’ll have better access to materials and resources.

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You can use digital tools to increase student engagement, improve communication and promote creativity. Here’s how you can do that:
1. Gamify lessons to encourage student participation
2. Record lessons
3. Track students’ progress
4. Play videos to make lessons more engaging

Keeping Up with Real-Life Issues


Another upcoming trend is the integration of real-life issues into lessons. This is especially so for subjects like History, Social Studies, the Sciences and Geography. Many tutors are using real-world problems to make subjects more relevant to students.

This also encourages global awareness amongst our students, which is encouraged due to the increased global connectedness in recent years. The increased awareness of such issues like global warming, racism and inequality also contributed to the rise of this trend.

How do you integrate real-life issues into your lessons?
1. Keep up-to-date with the news
2. Give students a real tangible problem to solve, like creating a water filtration system to solve a water crisis
3. Invite guest speakers to talk about the issue

Broadening Students’ Soft Skills


There is more emphasis now on soft skills because we need to adequately equip our students to enter the workforce.

Singapore’s education system is working towards developing independent thinkers, and tutors must keep up with this. This is evident from the increased emphasis on self-directed learning.

Here’s how you can cultivate soft skills in your student:
1. Encourage independent learning
2. Ask your students open-ended questions
3. Let your students work in groups (only if you teach group tuition)
4. Create opportunities for students to innovate and get involved with creative projects STEM projects

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Decreasing Attention Spans


Studies show that our students’ attention spans have decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds. This trend in reduced attention spans has changed the way tutors and teachers structure their lessons.

Many are integrating more graphics, visuals and gamification into their lessons to engage their students. Student participation is also vital to making lessons more effective and engaging.

If you have difficulties getting your student to take part in your lessons, here are some tips:
1. Play games like Kahoot or Quizlet
2. Make it relevant to them by relating the topics to news around the world
3. Tell stories (make sure that they are related to the topic you’re teaching!)
4. Play videos
5. Have a debate (possible only if you’re teaching group tuition)

Less Teaching More Facilitating


In traditional classrooms, the teacher or tutor communicates with students using top-down direction. However, students can access resources and information easily thanks to the internet, so tutors are now taking on a more facilitative role.

While you still need to teach your student syllabus content, now you must also focus on your student’s development. For example, helping your students understand how to learn, how to love learning, and how to understand the information they find.

How can you facilitate your students’ development?
1. Provide feedback and advice on how to study
2. Converse with your student and discuss solutions to practise questions
3. Make lessons more engaging
4. Encourage group work (this only works if you teach group tuition)



The education trends of 2022 show us how our education system is working towards a more flexible teaching system to allow our students to explore and develop independently. Now our roles are to guide our students and assist them in their endeavours in learning.

By keeping up with these trends, you also prepare your students to enter the workforce of the ever-changing and fast-paced world that we live in.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.