SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Level Up as a Tutor! How to Teach Effectively With Gamification

14 March 2024

Hey look! Your student’s not paying attention to your lessons again! Those faces don’t belong to someone who looks like they’re actually studying. Some of...

How Does Autism Affect Learning Ability?

10 March 2024

[iStock] When you’re learning, your brain goes through a process of receiving new information. To learn means to attain new knowledge or skills.  Autism is...

How Much Control Should We Have Over Our Youth’s Playtime?

06 March 2024

For parents who keep up to date with gaming influences on their children, I’m sure you’ve heard of the strict regulations that were mandated in...

How to Handle Stressful Parents as a Student

23 February 2024

[Pexels] As a student, life can be overwhelming when you have to deal with exams, your social life, and your parents’ expectations.  It’s important to...

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