SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Kindergarten

5 Reasons Why Preschoolers Should Learn Bilingualism

14 December 2023

Bilingualism: It’s the understanding and use of two languages. Many people grow up only ever learning one. But in Singapore where we live in a...

Helping Your Child Make the Most of Preschool

09 January 2023

[iStock] Preschool is the start of a new journey for both you and your child. It can be scary for your child because they are...

Educational Toys From Shopee For Your Preschooler

12 July 2022

[iStock] What are educational toys? Also known as instructive toys, they are created to specifically help stimulate your child’s learning and make them learn and...

What Will Your Child Learn In Kindergarten?

21 September 2021

Kindergarten education is not mandatory in Singapore but they are highly encouraged in order to provide young children with as much education as possible. While...

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